Flights from Stuttgart Airport (STR) to Catania Airport Airport (CTA)

We've found the cheapest flights to Catania

Returns from £136.94

One-way from £63.33

You have the option of only 1 airline if you want to depart Stuttgart Echterdingen to Fontanarossa Italy. The distance covered when flying from Stuttgart Echterdingen to Fontanarossa Italy is 1,334 Km (829 Miles) with the travel time being around 2 Hours 23 Minutes. STR is the Airport code for Stuttgart Echterdingen and CTA is for Fontanarossa Italy.

The cost of flights varies on the time and day you fly. It is normally worth booking flights well in advance if possible to get the best deal to Fontanarossa Italy perhaps midweek or late evening. It is always advisable to book as early as possible. With most airliners prices will go up the closer you get to the departure date.

Below you will see all the airlines that fly from Stuttgart Echterdingen (STR) to Fontanarossa (CTA) and the number of flights they operate each day.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Eurowings111011106:5020:00VIEW FLIGHTS

The most direct flights offered from Stuttgart Echterdingen to Fontanarossa Italy are by Eurowings with around 6 flights a week. These operate from 06:50 with the latest flight being at 20:00. The most popular flight no is EW2816 and EW2818.

Please visit for more information regarding booking a flight with Eurowings.

Please see below the times of flights. These times and frequency may vary at different times of the year please visit the website for more information.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights

You may also have a choice of an alternative airport when it comes to flying from Stuttgart Echterdingen and arriving at Fontanarossa. You can find details of this below.

Alternative Direct Routes
RouteStopsDistanceFlying Time
Mulhouse basel to Catania01,282 km (797 miles)2 Hours 19 Minutes
Cologne to Catania01,616 km (1,004 miles)2 Hours 43 Minutes
Dusseldorf to Catania01,670 km (1,038 miles)2 Hours 47 Minutes
Memmingen to Catania01,234 km (767 miles)2 Hours 16 Minutes
Frankfurt to Catania01,490 km (926 miles)2 Hours 34 Minutes
Hahn to Catania01,521 km (945 miles)2 Hours 36 Minutes
Munich to Catania01,239 km (770 miles)2 Hours 16 Minutes
Zurich to Catania01,232 km (766 miles)2 Hours 16 Minutes

Please check before travelling to Fontanarossa that a travel visa is not required.

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Flight Price FAQ - Stuttgart (STR) to Catania (CTA)

DIRECT Eurowings
What is the cheapest direct flight one way from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA?
The cheapest direct flight one way from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA is £63.33 ($80 €74.90)
$80 | €74.90
Check Latest Price
DIRECT Eurowings
What is the cheapest direct return flight from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA?
The cheapest direct return flight from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA is £136.94 ($173 €161.97)
$173 | €161.97
Check Latest Price
1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest flight one way from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA?
The cheapest flight one way from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA is £45.12 ($57 €53.37)
$57 | €53.37
Check Latest Price
1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest return flight from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA?
The cheapest return flight from Stuttgart STR to Catania CTA is £132.99 ($168 €157.29)
$168 | €157.29
Check Latest Price
Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Stuttgart (STR) to Catania (CTA)

Who flies from Stuttgart to Catania?
The following airlines fly from Stuttgart (STR) to Catania (CTA): Eurowings.
How far is the flight from Stuttgart to Catania?
The flight from Stuttgart to Catania is 1,334KM or 829 miles.
How long does the flight from Stuttgart to Catania to take?
The flight from Stuttgart to Catania takes 2 Hours 23 Minutes.

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Useful Information about Catania Airport

Catania Airport Soars Past Pre-Pandemic Levels in Q4 2023 - Passengers Up 12%

Catania Airport Passenger Traffic Surges 11.93% in Q4 2023, Exceeding Both Pre-Pandemic and Q4 2022 Numbers, Strongest Quarter on Record Post-Pandemic

Catania Airport Passengers Up 17% November 2023

Catania Airport has experienced a significant surge in passenger traffic, with a remarkable increase in November 2023 (767,732 passengers) compared to the same month in 2022 (659,457 passengers).

Catania Airport Passenger Traffic Jumps by 17% in October 2023

Catania Airport witnessed a phenomenal 17.05% increase in passenger traffic in October 2023 compared to the same period in 2019.

Catania Airport Sees Passenger Traffic Increase by 6% in September 2023

Catania Airport in Sicily, Italy, stands out as a prime example, witnessing a 6.22% increase in passenger traffic in September 2023 compared to the same month in 2019.
